
Post here if you have some suggestions or you want to request a new feature.
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Post by Seritin »

Just suggesting here,

but it would be nice if the Login Screen for a domain could read in to multiple domains. This way for when having a URL you don't have to setup two access areas for multiple domains because you have to make a new FTP port for each domain. This also could allowed a Global user area within the administrator area, Allowing 1 user to have rights too many domains or just 1 domain setting up rights to each one.

Just saying this could be helpful if you have more than 1 domain.

(The global Username database could mess up your guys cost.)
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Re: Domain(s)

Post by FTP »

Maybe you were not understanding WingFTP's domain very well, the domain just means virtual servers, so with multiple domains, then you can run several separated virtual servers in one machine, it just like you run IIS, Apache and Tomcat at the same time, that's our basic system design.
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Re: Domain(s)

Post by sgtslynn »

In IIS or Apache you can run multiple domains on the same ip address and same port. Why can't you do that with Wing FTP?
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Re: Domain(s)

Post by FTP »

Because Wing FTP Server is not only a HTTP file server, it is also a FTP server and SFTP server.

IIS and Apache supports virtual host via HTTP request head, for example: if HTTP head contains "", then it will point to "domain1", and if HTTP head contains "", then it will point to "domain2".

But only HTTP protocol supports the above thing, FTP and SFTP doesn't support it. So Wing FTP Server's domain is based on the different listener.
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