Create temporary user and delete after expiration

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Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by MountainVision »

I want to let my internal users create a temporary account which is available for a desired amount of days. And after the expiration the account and the created directory will be deleted automatically.
It's intended for sharing files with an external comany only for a short time.

The following code is a simple PHP-Site with a dropdown-menu where you can chose the amount of days the account is available. After submitting, the script creates a user with the accordant homedir and with a prefix, the expiredate and a random number in the username (exp. tmp_YYYYMMDD1234)
(Sorry, but the comments in the script are in german)

Code: Select all


	//Formular-Variablen abholen
	$i_days = isset($_POST["i_days"]) ? $_POST["i_days"] : 0;
	if ($i_days > 0) {
		// Variablen setzen
		$s_server 	= 'yourserver:5466';			//Servername & Port des Adminzugangs
		$s_admin	= 'admin';						//Account mit Administratorberechtigung
		$s_adminpwd = 'adminpassword';				//Passwort
		$s_domain 	= 'yourdomain';         		//Auf dem WFTPServer eingerichtete Domäne
		$s_rootdir	= '/data01/tmp_users/';			//Root Verzeichnis (darin wird jeweils ein Verzeichnis mit dem Usernamen erstellt)
		$s_group	= 'tmp_users';					//Gruppe des neuen Users (Leerlassen falls keine gewünscht)
		$s_prefix	= 'tmp_';						//Prefix für den Usernamen
		$b_read = 'true';
		$b_write = 'true';
		$b_delete = 'true';
		/* Uncomment this part to have the option to set permissions
		$b_read = isset($_POST["b_read"]) ? $_POST["b_read"] : 'false';
		$b_write = isset($_POST["b_write"]) ? $_POST["b_write"] : 'false';
		$b_delete = isset($_POST["b_delete"]) ? $_POST["b_delete"] : 'false';*/
		$expire_stamp = time() + ($i_days * 24 * 60 * 60);				//Ablaufzeitpunkt setzen
		$expire_date  = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expire_stamp);				//Ablaufzeitpunkt setzen
		$strUrl = "http://".$s_server."/admin_webservice.html";			//URL zusammen setzen
		$strUrlParam = "?admin=".$s_admin."&pass=".$s_adminpwd."&cmd=";	//URL zusammen setzen
		$username = $'Ymd', $expire_stamp).mt_rand(0,9999);  //account name (prefix tmp_ / Ablaufdatum / 4-stellige Zufallszahl)
    	$password = mt_rand();   										//account password
    	$homedir = $s_rootdir.$username;      							//home directory

		//LUA Script erstellen
		//Userverzeichnis erstellen
		$strLuaScript = "c_MkDir('".$homedir."')";
		//temporären User erstellen
		//																Parameternummern:		 7           10                  15                 20                  25                  30                  35									40                  45                        48
		$strLuaScript .= "c_AddUser('".$s_domain."','".$username."',md5('".$password."'),63,1,1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', {{'".$s_group."'}}, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1,'".$expire_date."', '', '')";

		// User-Verzeichnis mit entsprechenden Berechtigungen setzen
		$strLuaScript .= "c_AddUserDirectory('".$s_domain."','".$username."','".$homedir."','/',true,".$b_read.",".$b_write.",".$b_write.",".$b_delete.",".$b_read.",".$b_write.",".$b_delete.",".$b_write.")";
		//LUA Script ausführen
		$strResult = file_get_contents($strUrl.$strUrlParam.rawurlencode($strLuaScript));
		//echo $strLuaScript;
		echo 'Username: '.$username.'<br>'.
			 'Password: '.$password.'<br>'.
			 'Expires: '.$expire_date.'<br><br>';
		echo '<a href='.$PHP_SELF.'>Zurueck</a>';

	else {
		<h1>Neuen tempor&auml;ren User-Account generieren</h1>
		<form method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF; ?>">
			<p>G&uuml;ltigkeit <select name="i_days">
				<option value="1">1 Tag</option>
				<option value="2">2 Tage</option>
				<option value="5">5 Tage</option>
				<option value="10">10 Tage</option>
				<option value="20">20 Tage</option>
				<option value="30">30 Tage</option>
			<!-- Uncomment this part to have the option to set permissions
			<input type="checkbox" name="b_read" value="true"> Leseberechtigung<br>
			<input type="checkbox" name="b_write" value="true"> Schreibberechtigung<br>
			<input type="checkbox" name="b_delete" value="true"> L&ouml;schberechtigung<br>
			</p> -->
			<input type="submit" value="Los geht's">


To remove the expired accounts automatically put the following LUA-Script into the task sheduler

Code: Select all

local mydomain = "yourdomain"
local rootdirtmp = "/data01/tmp_users/"
local group = "tmp_users"
   local strUserlist = c_GetUserList(mydomain)
   local userlist = Split(strUserlist,"\n")

   for _,username in pairs(userlist) do
	  local user = c_GetUser(mydomain,username)
	  local expiretime_t = c_TranslateTime(user.expiretime)
	  if (os.time() > expiretime_t) and (user.enable_expire == true) and (user.usergroups[1].groupname == group) then
		c_RemoveFileDir(rootdirtmp .. username)

This is still very basic, but it may helps you to create something similar...

//edit: I made a little change to the deleting script. It checks now if a user is in the tmp_users group...
Last edited by MountainVision on Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by FTP »

Good scripts! I think it is very helpful for many people.
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Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:35 pm

Re: Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by david »


Thank you for posting this. However, it seems that the statement "user.usergroups[1].groupname" isn't working for me (at least that's what I narrowed it down to).

For example, if I use a statment such as ugroup = user.usergroups[1].groupname The value isn't returned even though the user has a group associated with it.

Any ideas?


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Location: Laax, Switzerland

Re: Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by MountainVision »

did you set the variable "user" correctly? Don't forget to replace the domain and username with your values....

Code: Select all

local user = c_GetUser(mydomain,username)
you can also test in your console with a command like this:

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Re: Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by ppcinj »

I'm sorry for digging up this Thread again, but I have problems with the code:

I modified the PHP code variables to our Server details and tried to run it, but as result I only get an permission error. Maybe someone of you or an admin can help me.

Server Details:

Version: 4.2.6

The URL, which is called to create an User (without "rawurlencode" for readability reasons and some parts hidden):

Code: Select all

http://*.*.*.*:5466/admin_webservice.html?admin=acc_creator&pass=xxxx&cmd=c_MkDir('/data/tmp_users/tmp_201401114617')c_AddUser('xdomainx','tmp_201401114617',md5('2111147002'),63,1,1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', {{'tmp_users'}}, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1,'2014-01-11 11:36:58', '', '')c_AddUserDirectory('xdomainx','tmp_201401114617','/data/tmp_users/tmp_201401114617','/',true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true)
The Result:

Code: Select all

[ERROR RESULT] no permission!
Are there any Permissions i need to set to the Creator-Account for this to succeed?
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Re: Create temporary user and delete after expiration

Post by FTP »

Unless you use a domain admin, or using a wrong password.
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