LUA Email Script Help

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LUA Email Script Help

Post by tmays »

I am working on adding the LUA scripts on fileuploaded events. So far I have this code working:

Code: Select all

if string.find("%PathName","Testing/") then
c_SendMail("","%FileName has been uploaded","%Name uploaded into %PathName","email.txt","Exchange")
c_SendMail("","A File Posting Notification","Your file %FileName is available for retrieval.","","Exchange")
But what I am wanting to do is for the body of the email is to be able to have the script read from a text file instead of having to write the entire content in the code.

For example.
c_SendMail("","%FileName has been uploaded","readfrom("email.txt"),"Exchange")

Can someone help?

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Re: LUA Email Script Help

Post by FTP »

Code: Select all

local fp = assert("c:/email.txt", "rb"))
local content = fp:read("*all")
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Re: LUA Email Script Help

Post by tmays »


Does this code need to be inserted in the line of code or at the start of the script? Sorry very new to LUA Scripts.
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Re: LUA Email Script Help

Post by FTP »

Code: Select all

local fp = assert("c:/email.txt", "rb"))
local content = fp:read("*all")

c_SendMail("","A File Posting Notification",content,"","Exchange")
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