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Max Logins Bug
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:04 am
by supreme
Hi There..On old ftprush (1.1.3) i used to setup site logins like this TOTAL 2, MAX DOWN 1 MAX UP 1 and if I try to connect more than 2 times on same site i get something like:
(08:00:46) [1] SITE Exceeded Max Logins
(08:00:46) [2] SITE Exceeded Max Logins
why this not happens in rush version 2.x.x ?
i tried turning on SINGLE CONNECTION MODE and i tried disabling it and set total logins to 2 and max down 1 and max up 1...but this is what i got from a drftp site...
(08:03:48) [SITE] 530 Sorry, your account is restricted to 2 simultaneous logins.
(08:03:48) [SITE] 530 Sorry, your account is restricted to 2 simultaneous logins.
FTPRUSH is not checking the logins...
will this be fixed in the future??
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:08 pm
by supreme
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:02 am
by FTP
Please download and talk about new version, only new version is being maintained.
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:05 am
by supreme
well new version needs the max login to be fixed..coz it aint working..i already left a topic about it....
i didnt get a reply !
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:37 pm
by FTP
Where can you find the "max login" option? I can't find it.
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:51 am
Re: Max Logins...
I came here to clarify what the issue is regarding max logins.
On the newest FTPRush version, max login entries are ignored completely.
What happens is, when a dll is sent to FTPRush, it will start a new login even when logged in Max times.
The result is the xfer is hung retrying to connect to server while server is responding "YOU HAVE LOGGED
IN MAX TIMES" and the cue just stays hung retrying to login.
On older versions of FTPRush this does not happen. As a software programmer myself, I think it's just a minor
bug that shouldn't require too much work to fix.
To find the max login setting,
goto site manager, select a site, right click/select properties.
In the Dialog where you enter the host/port username/password you will see a LOGINS section
with settings for TOTAL, UPLOAD, and DOWNLOAD.
I do fully understand that the mirc dll is no longer supported, however it still works fine.
If you could check the strings that hold the max logins value and cross check it with the fxp
routine, I think this issue could be solved quite easily as this feature works great on older versions.
Many thanks to FTP for his effort on supporting this fine app. I look forward to the next update and
if you can solve this problem for us, we can use the newest version.
Thanks again. :)
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:32 am
by FTP
No, maybe you were misunderstanding of it. This option was added since version 2.1.3 for some user's requirement.
The option "Total" means how many connections will be opened for the file transfer (download/upload).
The option "Download" means how many connections will be opened for the file downloading.
The option "Upload" means how many connections will be opened for the file uploading.
The value of option "Download" or "Upload" can't be larger than "Total", for example, you want to set "Total" = "3", "Download" = "4", "Upload" = "2". Then the option "Download" will be adjusted into "3" automatically.
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:07 am
Yes, this is the setting I am talking about...
Now on older ftprush, if I set Total = 2 Download = 1 Upload = 1
On my 3rd try to login I get
[2] SITE Exceeded Max Logins
and it does not try to login more than 2 times...
This is what I want it to do... As then the cue will just wait for an available login.
On Newest Version of FTPRush
I set Total = 2 Download = 1 Upload = 1
On my 3rd login instead of it saying exceeded max logins, it logs into the site
In fact, I can try to login infinite times and it will still try to login.
This is why the mirc dll causes this even when those values are set...
[1] 530 Sorry, your account is restricted to 2 simultaneous logins.
and the cue hangs...
Regardless of the dll, I can manually cause the bug by manually loging in so it should be simple to find... :)
If you could look into this issue, I would be most gratefull. Thank you for your reply and I apologize
for my late response as I was on vacation.
Thanx again :)
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:07 am
by FTP
I think there is no problem with FTP Rush 2.1.5, the setting "Total" is for per Tab, not for global login.
Re: Max Logins Bug
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:20 am
by supreme
i dont understand...
in 1 tab there are multiple connections now?
if i have a site with maximum 4 logins which allow 2up and 2 down...i set up max logins to 4 and 2up and 2down....
If all logins r in use and i try to open another tab and try to connect to same still will try top connect instead od rush (10:19:48) [2] SITEA Exceeded Max Logins...
am i missing something here?
i dunno how you say you dont think there are any problems...