SFV Checker

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SFV Checker

Post by benny »

This isn't a Lua script, its a perl script -- but I didn't see another place to put this at. I noticed the Wing Server sfv checker wasn't recursive so I wrote this for my self and hope its helpful to everyone else and hope yall enjoy!

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# Make sure this points to your perl executable

# String::CRC32 is required you can install using cpan
use String::CRC32;

# Wing Server SFV Checker v1.00b - benny / clarjl3@students.fscj.edu
# I put this together because the sfv checker that comes with Wing Server isn't recursive
# and wont check sub directories inside the specified sfv checking directory
# Apologies for the sloppy code I wanted a working sfv checker quick, ill try and clean it
# up and add more features when I have more time.
# Known bugs / Irrelevant issues?
#  - As of now this will only check files in a sfv against the files uploaded
#    to the directory that your uploading to, so if any file not in the sfv is uploaded
#    it will just be ignored and possible to just have misc unwanted files laying around..
#  - The $home variable could cause issues with multiple domains and users depending on your setup..
#    on my setup i have all my files going to /usr/files and my one user having a home directory of /usr/files
#    so everything sent to this script would be /Dircreated/Files.. which would be
#    ($home/Dircreated/Files) -> /usr/files/Dircreated/Files
#      - I'll add a more flexable $home in the future!
#  - If there is more than one sfv this script will just exit..
# Using / Installing this
#  - You will need to run cpan and install String::CRC32
#  - Put this perl script somewhere you can find it later
#    - chmod +x /path/to/where/you/put/checker
#  - Goto the Wing Server http admin panel and click on a domain
#    - Click on Ftp Events
#    - Double Click OnFileUploaded
#      - Check mark "Enable Execute Program"
#      - Program Path is /path/to/where/you/put/checker you did earlier
#      - For Paramaters put: %Dir
#      - Press OK!
# Conclusion
#  - I would recommend having your ftp client set a priority on sending sfv first but on a side
#    note even if you sent a few files first and then uploaded the sfv how this scans files apon upload
#    it will check the previous files you uploaded and add them to the cached files
#  - Enjoy and let me know if you have troubles or like this!

my $home  = "/usr/files";
my $sfiles = 0; my $tfiles = 0;

# For creating empty missing/bad files
sub touch {
        if ($#_ != 0)   { return; }
        if ( -f $_[0] ) { return; }
        open tch, ">$_[0]"; close tch;

opendir(SFVCHK, ${home}.$ARGV[0]); my @SFVFIN = grep(/\.sfv/, readdir(SFVCHK)); closedir(SFVCHK);
opendir(SFVCHK, ${home}.$ARGV[0]); my @CMPCHK = grep(/^\[.*COMPLETE\s\]$/, readdir(SFVCHK)); closedir(SFVCHK);

# If there isn't a sfv or more than 1 just exit
if (@SFVFIN != 1) { exit; }

# Keep a hidden verified file to prevent double checking and system load
my @CHECKED = ();
if ( -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/.chk" ) {
        open CKSFV, "<${home}$ARGV[0]/.chk";
        while (<CKSFV>) { chomp($_); push(@CHECKED, $_); }
        close CKSFV;

# Open file for appending anymore valid files we might come across
open CKSFV, ">>${home}$ARGV[0]/.chk";

# Open the sfv and log the files that are suppose to be here
# before we run the sfv checker to compare
open  SFVFD, "<${home}$ARGV[0]/$SFVFIN[0]"; while (<SFVFD>) { chomp($_); push(@LINES, $_); }
close SFVFD;

foreach my $deldir (@CMPCHK) { rmdir "${home}$ARGV[0]/$deldir"; }

foreach my $line (@LINES) {
        chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^;/) { next; }
        my @SP = split(/ /, $line); my $rel = uc($SP[1]); $tfiles++;
        $rel =~ s/(\W)//g; # Make sure the crc string doesnt contain any control characters

        if ( -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]" ) {
          my $LFILE = $SP[0];
          if (grep(/$LFILE/, @CHECKED)) { $sfiles++; next; }
          open(CRCK, "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]"); my $crc = crc32(*CRCK); close(CRCK);

          my $hex = sprintf "%x", $crc; $hex = uc($hex);
          if (length($hex) < 8) { $hex = "0".$hex; }
          if (length($rel) < 8) { $rel = "0".$rel; }

          if ($hex eq $rel) {
                if ( -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-missing" ) { unlink("${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-missing"); }
                if ( -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-bad" ) { unlink("${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-bad"); }
                print CKSFV "$LFILE\n";
          } else {
                if ( ! -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-bad" ) { touch("${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-bad"); }
        } else {
          if ( -e "${home}$ARGV[0]/$SP[0]-missing" ) { next; }

close CKSFV;

my $newdir = sprintf "[ %iF %iF FILES - 0.00%% COMPLETE ]", $sfiles, $tfiles;
if ($sfiles != 0) { $newdir = sprintf "[ %iF of %iF - %.1f%% COMPLETE ]", $sfiles, $tfiles, (($sfiles / $tfiles) * 100); }
if ($sfiles == $tfiles) { $newdir = "[ ${tfiles}F COMPLETE ]"; }
mkdir "${home}$ARGV[0]/$newdir";
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Re: SFV Checker

Post by FTP »


Thanks for your contribution! Hope your Perl scripts will be helpful for somebody.
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Re: SFV Checker

Post by FrostyX »

What exactly i need to run this scirpt? Something additional like quick sfv, perl?
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Re: SFV Checker

Post by FTP »

Yes, this is a Perl script, you need to run it in the event "OnFileUploaded", and about the script usage, the author already described very clearly in the script comments, please read the the above script carefully.
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Re: SFV Checker

Post by FrostyX »

Installing Sting:CRC32 is done, my $home = "/Test01/Test"; is set to my current user save the .txt file and copied to
C:\Strawberry\perl\bin as it says in description.
On WingFTP on file uploaded point the way to this .txt file nothing happend, tried to point the way to
C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\crc32.bath nothing again, some help. Do i need to modify some file in C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\String-CRC32-1.5 the dir where is the checker?

p.s. This instructions for the script is for very very very advanced users and don't get nothing from:

- Put this perl script somewhere you can find it later - its in the perl/bin folder ?
# - chmod +x /path/to/where/you/put/checker ??

Some help guys!
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