Implement FTP SITE

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Implement FTP SITE

Post by JohnRambo »


In FTP the SITE command can be used to implement server custom operation.
This open two possibility:
1. Use it to add special wingFTP feature.
2. Add a way for user to implement it's own handler of the command.

I'm personally interested in the first possibility oriented to weblink.
It will be great to have a command to handle weblink manipulation.

Something like:
SITE LINKCRT filename expirationdate....
200 - link : createdweblink

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Re: Implement FTP SITE

Post by JohnRambo »


After further investigation using the demo server I found that SITE command is already supported for zip/unzip

Code: Select all

Command:	FEAT
Response:	211-Extension supported
Response:	 PBSZ
Response:	 PROT
Response:	 MDTM
Response:	 MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS;filename
Response:	 MFMT
Response:	 MFCT
Response:	 MFF Create;Modify;
Response:	 SIZE
Response:	 MLSD
Response:	 MLST type*;size*;modify*;perm*;
Response:	 CLNT
Response:	 UTF8
Response:	 AUTH SSL
Response:	 AUTH TLS
Response:	 SSCN
Response:	 OPTS
Response:	 STAT
Response:	 EPRT
Response:	 HELP
Response:	 XCRC "filename" SP EP
Response:	 SITE HELP
Response:	 SITE MSG messagetext
Response:	 SITE PSWD oldpass newpass
Response:	 SITE UZIP
Response:	 SITE ZIP sourcefile1||sourcefile2||sourcefile3||...
Response:	211 End.
And also SITE HELP command seams to have a bug on the demo server.
It provide a list of FTP supported command with extra commands with regards to normal HELP command.
I expect the SITE HELP command to list exclusively the SITE subcommand.
See below

Code: Select all

Command:	HELP
Response:	214-The following commands are recognized.
Response:	    AUTH    PBSZ    PROT    FEAT    USER    PASS    CWD    XCWD    PWD
Response:	    XPWD    XCUP    EPSV    EPRT    ADAT    MODE    OPTS    HELP    ALLO    MLST
Response:	    MLSD    PORT    PASV    PASW    P@SW    TYPE    LIST    NLST    MDTM    REST
Response:	    CDUP    RETR    STOR    APPE    SIZE    DELE    RMD    XRMD    MKD    XMKD
Response:	    RNFR    RNTO    ABOR    SYST    NOOP    NOP    BYE    QUIT    SITE    STRU
Response:	    CLNT    XCRC    STAT    MFMT    MFCT    MFF    SSCN
Response:	214 End.
Command:	HELP SITE
Response:	214-The following commands are recognized.
Response:	    AUTH    PBSZ    PROT    FEAT    USER    PASS    CWD    XCWD    PWD
Response:	    XPWD    XCUP    EPSV    EPRT    ADAT    MODE    OPTS    HELP    ALLO    MLST
Response:	    MLSD    PORT    PASV    PASW    P@SW    TYPE    LIST    NLST    MDTM    REST
Response:	    CDUP    RETR    STOR    APPE    SIZE    DELE    RMD    XRMD    MKD    XMKD
Response:	    RNFR    RNTO    ABOR    SYST    NOOP    NOP    BYE    QUIT    SITE    STRU
Response:	    CLNT    XCRC    STAT    MFMT    MFCT    MFF    SSCN
Response:	214 End.
Command:	SITE HELP
Response:	214-The following commands are recognized.
Response:	    AUTH    PBSZ    PROT    FEAT    USER    PASS    CWD    XCWD    PWD
Response:	    XCUP    EPSV    EPRT    ADAT    MODE    OPTS    HELP    ALLO    MLST
Response:	    PORT    PASV    PASW    P@SW    TYPE    LIST    NLST    MDTM    REST
Response:	    RETR    STOR    APPE    SIZE    DELE    RMD    XRMD    MKD    XMKD
Response:	    RNTO    ABOR    SYST    NOOP    NOP    BYE    QUIT    SITE    STRU
Response:	    XCRC    STAT    MFMT    MFCT    MFF    SSCN
Response:	214 End.
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Re: Implement FTP SITE

Post by FTP »

Sorry, we have no plan to support Weblink generating via a FTP command, and we will improve the response message for HELP command.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:26 am

Re: Implement FTP SITE

Post by angel79 »

useful information
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