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Unable to Upgrade

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:36 pm
by dwaugh
I am presently running version 4.3.8 of Wing FTP Server on a Windows XP computer. I am planning to upgrade the hardware and OS in the coming weeks. First, I am attempting to upgrade my existing install to the latest release, version 4.5.3. After stopping the WingFTP Server service I ran the install. During the first part of the install I receive the following error:

Can not listen on this port, port 5466 may already be in use. Please stop WingFTP service first.

I have verified that the service is stopped, but the install will not allow me to proceed.

Thank you


Re: Unable to Upgrade

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:21 am
by FTP
OK, you can check whether the process "WFTPServer.exe" still exists in the task manager, if the process still exists, just kill it.