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Estimated transfer time of queue not updated correctly

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:09 pm
by fnord

I'm using FTPRush 2.1.8 and FTPRush 2.1.8 Portablae on Win7 x86_64. I encounter the following problem:
When uploading or downloading files FTPRush makes a correct estimation on how long transfer will probably take based on the size of the queue as well as the current transfer speed (see image 1). If you add a file to the queue FTPRush updates the estimation for the new size correctly as well (see image 2). However if you delete a file from the queue, the estimation won't be updated (see image 3).

Another question I have been asking myself: When connecting to an SSL-endabled FTP server why does FTPRush not show the servers certificate? It seems to accept any certificate which renders encryption almost useless. I suggest adding a certificate dialog so users can decide which certificates to trust (and store permanently).

Thanks a lot for making such a great FTP client.


Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:

Re: Estimated transfer time of queue not updated correctly

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:23 am
by FTP
OK, we will check your reported issue.

Re: Estimated transfer time of queue not updated correctly

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:12 pm
by B-T-M
How can I remove the already Accepted & Saved Certificate from a server in FTPRush ?

Cant find that option anywhere and I need to refresh it to be able to transfer between different servers.

//Wbr BTM