Site Manager

Any issues, suggestions, and bug reports about new FTP Rush v3
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Site Manager

Post by linconio »

Is there a converter or another working solution to change sites in sitemanager from versions: ftprush 2.2 and so on to new ftprush 3.x ? Since ftprush 3.x got .json and old ones got csv html plaintext and xml...
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Re: Site Manager

Post by FTP »

OK, you may click the button "Terminal" on the tool bar, and excute the following C# script to import v2 sites (suppose you already exported sites to a csv file "d:/v2sites.txt"):

Code: Select all

using System.IO;

string csvFilePath = "d:/v2sites.txt";
using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(csvFilePath))
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
	string[] fields = line.Split(',');
	string strName = fields[0];
	string strHost = fields[1];
	int nPort = int.Parse(fields[2]);
	string User = fields[3];
	string Pass = fields[4];
	string RemotePath = fields[5];

		string[] arrName = strName.Split('@');
		strName = arrName[1];
	else if(strName.Contains(":"))
		string[] arrName = strName.Split(':');
		strName = arrName[1];

	int nProtocol = 1;	//1=FTP,2=SFTP,3=TFTP
	if(nPort == 69 && User == "" && Pass == "")
		nProtocol = 3;
	else if(nPort == 22 || nPort == 2222)
		Server oServer = new Server { Protocol = ServerProtocol.SFTP, Host = strHost, Port = nPort, Username = User, Password = Pass, DefaultRemotePath = RemotePath };
		Site.Add(strName, oServer);
		Server oServer;
		if(nPort == 990)
			oServer = new Server { Protocol = ServerProtocol.FTP, FTPEnryptMode = FTPEnryptMode.Implicit, Host = strHost, Port = nPort, Username = User, Password = Pass, DefaultRemotePath = RemotePath };
			oServer = new Server { Protocol = ServerProtocol.FTP, FTPEnryptMode = FTPEnryptMode.Explicit, Host = strHost, Port = nPort, Username = User, Password = Pass, DefaultRemotePath = RemotePath };

		Site.Add(strName, oServer);

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