How can I list the expired account list?

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How can I list the expired account list?

Post by nicklu »

Dear All,

Because we have many accounts in Wing ftp server. How can I list the expired account list? I want to delete them.

Thanks for your reply!
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Re: How can I list the expired account list?

Post by FTP »

OK, you can use the following Lua script to print all the expired accounts:

Code: Select all

local mydomain = "YourDomainName"
 local strUserlist = c_GetUserList(mydomain)
 local userlist = Split(strUserlist,"\n")

 for _,username in pairs(userlist) do
 local user = c_GetUser(mydomain,username)
 local expiretime_t = c_TranslateTime(user.expiretime)
 if (os.time() > expiretime_t) and (user.enable_expire == true) then
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