Import user from Win FTP 2.x to Wing FTP 4.x

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Import user from Win FTP 2.x to Wing FTP 4.x

Post by FTP »

-- Description: import users from old Win FTP 2.x to Wing FTP 4.x
-- To execute this lua script, just type a command like "dofile('c:/importuser.lua')" on the Web Admin's Console.
-- Author: Luke
-- Date: 2010-05-05

Code: Select all


function decryption(src)
	local strResult = ""
	local nLength = string.len(src)

	for i=1,nLength do
		local ch = string.char(string.byte(src,i) - nLength - i+1)
		strResult =

	return UnScramble(strResult)

function UnScramble(src)
	local strResult = src
	local nEven = 1
	local nOdd = 1
	local nLength = string.len(strResult)
	local strEven = string.sub(strResult, 1, (nLength/2) )
	local strOdd = string.sub(strResult, ((nLength+1)/2), nLength)

	strResult = ""
	for i=1,nLength do
		if (i % 2) == 1 then
			strResult = strResult..string.char(string.byte(strOdd,nOdd))
			nOdd = nOdd + 1
			strResult = strResult..string.char(string.byte(strEven,nEven))
			nEven = nEven + 1

	return strResult

local domain = "DomainName"			-- Your domain name
local old_userfile = "c:/users.xml"		-- Old user data filename

local tab = xml.load(old_userfile)

local unum = 1
while tab[unum] ~= nil do
    local dnum = 0

	local username = (tab[unum][1][1])			--username
	local password = ""
	if tab[unum][2][1] ~= nil then
		password = (decryption(tab[unum][2][1]))
	local enable_pass = tonumber(tab[unum][49][1])	--enable password?
	local enable_account = tonumber(tab[unum][15][1])	--enable account?
	if enable_account == 1 then enable_account = 0 else enable_account = 1 end

	c_AddUser(domain,username, md5(password), 63, enable_pass, enable_account)

	while tab[unum][53+dnum] ~= nil do
		local dirpath = (tab[unum][53+dnum][1][1])	--Dir Path
		if dirpath ~= nil then
			dirpath = string.gsub(dirpath,"\\","/")
		local alias = (tab[unum][53+dnum][2][1])		--Alias
		if alias ~= nil then
			alias = string.gsub(alias,"\\","/")
		local fread = (tab[unum][53+dnum][3][1])		--File_Read
		if fread == "1" then fread = true else fread = false end
		local fwrite = (tab[unum][53+dnum][4][1])	--File_Write
		if fwrite == "1" then fwrite = true else fwrite = false end
		local fappend = (tab[unum][53+dnum][5][1])	--File_Append
		if fappend == "1" then fappend = true else fappend = false end
		local fdelete = (tab[unum][53+dnum][6][1])	--File_Delete
		if fdelete == "1" then fdelete = true else fdelete = false end
		local frename = (tab[unum][53+dnum][7][1])	--Directory_Rename
		if frename == "1" then frename = true else frename = false end
		local ishome = (tab[unum][53+dnum][8][1])	--Home_Dir
		if ishome == "1" then ishome = true else ishome = false end
		local dlist = (tab[unum][53+dnum][9][1])	--Directory_List
		if dlist == "1" then dlist = true else dlist = false end
		local dmake = (tab[unum][53+dnum][10][1])	--Directory_Make
		if dmake == "1" then dmake = true else dmake = false end
		local ddelete = (tab[unum][53+dnum][11][1])	--Directory_Delete
		if ddelete == "1" then ddelete = true else ddelete = false end

		if ishome == true then alias = "/" end

		c_AddUserDirectory(domain, username, dirpath, alias, ishome, fread, fwrite, fappend, fdelete, dlist, dmake, ddelete, frename)
		dnum = dnum + 1

	unum = unum + 1
	print("Import user '"..username.."' successfully\n")
just save the above scripts to a text file "c:/importuser.lua", then execute it on the web admin's console.


Here we used a xml parser lib, you must download it then unzip it into the working directory of Wing FTP Server.

And you can also download this lua script here:
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