WingFTP worked fine until I installed Apache

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WingFTP worked fine until I installed Apache

Post by GregH »

I installed Wing FTP on ClearOS, which is a variant of CentOS (7.x release).
Everything worked great, until I installed Roundcube, which allows webmail access to the email server on the machine. Roundcube performed an automated install of Apache. I have zero experience installing or configuring Apache.

Apache "took over" every IP address on the computer (I have multiple external ones, and one on the LAN).
I researched how to configure Apache, and found I had to edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
I did that, telling it to bind only to a specific external IP and the LAN. There are also config files in an /etc/httpd/conf.d directory, and I edited those correspondingly as well.

I restarted the system, but this change doesn't seem to have worked--it's still taking over every IP on the system.

I went in to the Administrator and looked at the listeners, and the ones for HTTP and HTTPS are indicating Not Listening. If I delete and re-create them, same result: a red X instead of a green check mark.

I realize this is an Apache problem, not a WingFTP Server problem--the server is still there running and if I create a listener on port 8080, open up the firewall, and connect, it's there. I'm just hoping someone's run into this before, a case of Apache "going rogue" and taking over your system.
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Re: WingFTP worked fine until I installed Apache

Post by FTP »

OK, please have a look on this KB article first:" rel="nofollow
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