Troubles in using unc paths in LDAP

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Troubles in using unc paths in LDAP

Post by axnav »

Dear Support,

Actually I am implementing wingftp server 4.7.1 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 with all updates.
Nearly everthing works as excpected, I have only troubles to get the UNC -path to our storage share to work for the LDAP users.

If I use in the Settings --> Authentfication settings--> LDAP Tab --> Homedirectory a local path like C:/fileexch on the wingftp server, everthing works fine.
But if I insert an UNC path to a share like this \\srv00800\fileexchange4internal or this
//srv00800/fileexchange4internal it fails.
I activated the "Create folder for every user in homedirectory with username as foldername" feature, usally wingftp creates during first loging of a new user a folder with username.
And I am missing this folder on the UNC path too.

I tried to solve this problem with these solutions without success:" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow

For troubleshouting I reduced the field of searching to the https protocoll.
After login into the WebClient with latest Mozilla Firefox v46.0.1 I tried to upload a file,
which fails with following message:
During upload an error appeared, maybe you dont have no rights for uploading or filetype is blocked.

In the Wingftp Server Logs I dont see any reason or faultmessage.

I have no limits on share/filesystem and I havent administrate something in the fileaccesslist.

If I change the wingftp service from Local System Account to a local Account for example .\Administrator
and create a Map network drive, I dont see this mapped drive in wingftp console.

We are very interessed to get our nice software to work together with our shares.

Do you have any hint for me how I can solve this trouble?

Kindly regards,

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Re: Troubles in using unc paths in LDAP

Post by FTP »

OK, you need to change system service's logon account, and do not check on the option "Allow service to interact with desktop".
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