Send email notification when file is uploaded or downloaded

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Send email notification when file is uploaded or downloaded

Post by FTP »

First, you need to add a SMTP Server( 6 steps).

1 Click "Add SMTP Config" button which can be found at Domain->Setting->General Setting.

2 Enter your full email address (" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow) in the Sender Email field.

3 Enter your name in the Sender's name field.

4 Enter your SMTP Server address in the SMTP Server field.

5 Enter your email username in the SMTP Username field. Enter your password in the SMTP Password field.

6 Check the Use SSL box if your email server requires secure connection.

This picture shows how to config with gmail.

Second, use Event Manager to send a email to a specified receiver,You can also specify subject,priority,text and attach file.

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