Automatic decompress uploaded zip files

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Automatic decompress uploaded zip files

Post by FTP »

-- Description: Automatic decompress uploaded zip files
-- You should add the below scripts to the event manager -> FTP or HTTP OnFileUploaded
-- And I suppose you have installed WinRAR in the directory "C:\Program Files\WinRAR"
-- Author: Luke
-- Date: 2010-01-01

Code: Select all

local fname = string.gsub("%PathName", "\\","/")
local dpath = string.sub(fname,0,string.len(fname)-4)
local ext = string.lower(string.sub(fname,-4))

if ext == ".rar" or ext == ".zip" or ext == ".tgz" then 

 os.execute("C:\\Progra~1\\WinRAR\\WinRAR x -Y \""..fname.."\" \""..dpath.."\\\" ")

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Re: Automatic decompress uploaded zip files

Post by duke2315 »

This Script work great. The only question i have is if you can set this script to extract the files in the Archive to the root directory instead of creating another folder within the root directory.
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Re: Automatic decompress uploaded zip files

Post by FTP »

OK, you can make it, just replace the line:

local dpath = string.sub(fname,0,string.len(fname)-4)

into this:

local dpath = string.sub(fname,0,string.len(fname)-string.find(string.reverse(fname),"/"))

BTW, you may write lua script by yourself, it is not very hard.
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