Server timeout every 2hours.

Please post here if you have problems in using Wing FTP Server.
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Server timeout every 2hours.

Post by Hex82 »

I have some troubles with the wingftp server trial version.
My server software dies/timeouts every 2 hours~ resulting in me having to do a manual restart of the wingft server software. I have looked around in settings but i can't really find a setting that would cause this. First i thought it might be set to shutdown if it idles for 2 hours. But if so, where can i change that? Or is it just so that it's a trial setup? That it's supposed to do like that? The only thing i found about limits regarding the trial version is the 30 days, but maybe i'm missing something. Great software btw. Put the price down from $139 to $99 i i would definatley purchase this product. I might purchase it anyway since it's the first ftp server software i really like. Only those $40 and this weird phenomenon holding me back atm :)

-Hex, Germany.

Edit: I use windows 7 ultimate as OS.
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Re: Server timeout every 2hours.

Post by FTP »

First, please make sure you downloaded the software package from our website:" rel="nofollow

The 30-day trial version doesn't have any limitation, and if you are an education organization, we will provide you a discount.
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